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Article: Our Maritime Range Is Back & Even More Beautiful

Classic Blue & White Maritime Collection on a luxurious bed with coastal nautical theme

Our Maritime Range Is Back & Even More Beautiful

At Cream Cornwall, we’ve always believed that some designs are timeless. Our blue and white collection, the very first series we ever designed, is a perfect example of this. From the start, it captured the hearts of our customers and continues to be a favourite to this day.
our original bone china mug designs

 Our first photo shoot with our original bone china mugs

When we first launched Cream Cornwall, we wanted to create something beautiful and deeply connected to our heritage and surroundings. The stunning coastal scenery of Cornwall – the deep blue sea, the crisp white cliffs, and the rich maritime culture – inspired our blue and white collection. Heidi, our talented illustrator, brought our vision to life. Her artistic talent and attention to detail made our initial designs truly special. The maritime range featured iconic symbols like anchors, knots, and ships, each meticulously illustrated with nautical charm. These designs weren’t just art; they were a celebration of Cornwall’s rich maritime history.

Our original cushions at Clay Point in Flushing, 2013

Nautical motifs are universally appealing – they evoke a sense of adventure, freedom, and nostalgia. Our customers connected with the designs on a personal level, often sharing stories of seaside holidays, family sailing trips, and a deep love for the ocean. As our brand grew, we decided to pause production of the maritime range to explore new creative directions. Despite this, we were constantly asked to bring back the anchors, knots, and ships. The demand never waned, proving that the connection our customers felt to these designs was strong.

Two of the latest designs on these beautiful cushions

We wanted to re work some of the designs so we reached out to Heidi again, entrusting her to rework the original drawings and add new details. Heidi’s reimagined designs are a blend of tradition and innovation. She updated the classic motifs, adding intricate details and subtle modern touches. In addition to the familiar anchors, knots, and ships, we introduced new designs our customers had been asking for – a compass with an octopus and a turtle, a close second to the popular octopus!


Illustrator heidi with some new drawings for cream Cornwall
Heidi Ball, our original editor with new illustrations

 One reason Allison and I love these designs is their universal appeal. Nautical symbols like anchors and knots are recognised and cherished worldwide. An anchor symbolises stability and hope. Similarly, a reef knot, known for its simplicity and strength, represents unity and connection. These symbols transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with people from all walks of life. Moreover, the blue and white colour palette is deeply rooted in our DNA. There’s a timeless elegance to this combination that never goes out of style. Blue and white evoke a sense of calm, freshness, and purity – qualities that are universally appealing and eternally chic.

 Three of our latest maritime designs on our bone china mugs

The enduring popularity of blue and white can also be explained by the psychology of colours. Blue, often associated with the sky and the sea, brings feelings of tranquillity and serenity. It’s known to reduce stress and create a sense of calm. White represents purity, simplicity, and cleanliness. Together, these colours create a harmonious balance that’s visually pleasing and emotionally soothing.


Our compass cushion looking sets the tone in this blue & white interiors scheme

In interior design, blue and white are often used to create spaces that are both elegant and inviting. Whether it’s a coastal-themed living room, a serene bedroom, or a nautical-inspired kitchen, the combination of blue and white can transform any space into a peaceful sanctuary. At Cream Cornwall, we’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of craftsmanship and quality. Each piece in our blue and white collection is carefully crafted using premium materials and techniques. From the initial design to the final product, every step of the process is meticulously executed to ensure that our customers receive the best.


Classic combination, our cushions against a stunning Cornish beach

 At Cream Cornwall, we believe that good design should be both beautiful and functional. Our blue and white collection is designed to be used and enjoyed every day. The ceramics are durable and practical, suitable for everything from casual meals to special occasions, the textiles are soft and comfortable, perfect for adding a touch of luxury to your home.

 These designs are timeless, beautiful placemats & coasters made in Britain

 As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain committed to our roots and to the values that have guided us from the beginning. We’re grateful for the support and love of our customers, and we’re excited to continue this journey with you. Thank you for being a part of the Cream Cornwall family and for sharing in our passion for beautiful, timeless design. Reflecting on the journey of our blue and white collection, it’s clear that its success is rooted in our deep connection to Cornwall and its maritime heritage. The sea, with its endless horizon and ever-changing moods, has always been a source of inspiration for artists and designers. Its vastness and beauty resonate with our innate sense of wonder and adventure. This connection to the sea is at the heart of our blue and white collection.

Rebecca & Allison X 










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